Worship in the Sanctuary
Worship Schedule: 8:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study - Spiritual Conversations
8:30 a.m. Sunday School and Confirmation
9:30 a.m. Sunday worship
What to expect:
Come as you are! We are not "shirt and tie" formal. You may see a tie; you may see a Chiefs jersey. We are here to worship the Lord together
We don't pass the offering plate. If you're moved to give, there's an offering plate near the sanctuary entrance or an usher can point you to the plate
Communion takes place at each service, during the service of the sacrament. Please take communion as desired and return to your seat. When all have taken communion, the worship concludes with the benediction and closing hymn.
At 8:15, Adult Sunday School happens in the classroom closest to the church office
At 8:30, Sunday School and Confirmation in the rooms lower level of the Family Life Center
Fellowship time following the service:
Tables set up in the Family Life Center
Coffee and water are served. If snacks have been donated, they're also available.
We thank the Lord for His faithfulness to us. We continue to seek ways to serve Him in response to His love.
There will be coffee in the Family Life Center from 8:00 until after church services. Please stop by the FLC before or after church for coffee and fellowship.
Circuit Representation to Synod
Election for our circuit representation to this summer's Synodical Convention:
Pastoral Delegate: Rev. Brian Hetzel, Ponte of Hope
Lay Delegate: Mr. Dan Martin, St. Paul
Alternate Pastoral Delegate: Rev. John Otte, Timothy
Alternate Lay Delegate: Mr. David Radtke, Ascension